Privacy Policy


Our business name is STATHERO, (hereafter “STATHERO” or “Company”). We are the owner of the web site, as well as other web sites located on the Internet. All information provided in this Privacy Policy pertains to STATHERO, (hereafter “web site”) and our other web sites, either existing now or created in the future. Our product enables you to transmit necessary identity authentication and location confirmation, as required by particular Merchant websites you wish to access (hereafter “Services”). By enrolling at STATHERO, Customers can easily log in and log out to any site among our list of third-party merchants. Each time you do so, your identity as a Customer and registered user of the site, is authenticated.


  1. STATHERO takes User privacy seriously and takes reasonable efforts to protect it. We have created this Privacy Policy (hereafter “Policies”) in order to share with you our information collection and use practices. AS MORE CLEARLY DEFINED HEREIN, WE WILL NEVER KNOWINGLY SELL OR ASSIGN YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE AND OR APPROVAL. Please read these Policies carefully before sharing any personally identifiable information described below.
  2. These Policies apply to all the web sites owned by STATHERO. Since these are developing web sites, and because Internet technologies are constantly evolving, these Policies are subject to change at any time and any changes will be posted on the web site.
  3. These Policies work hand-in-hand with our Terms and Conditions of Use, found elsewhere on our web site.


The following words used in these Policies shall have the following meanings:

  1. “Personal Information” shall mean all data and/or information provided by, and about, Customer.
  2. “STATHERO web site” shall mean all web sites on which STATHERO provides its Services, primarily
  3. “STATHERO User” shall mean players and other users, who use our Services.
  4. “STATHERO Services” shall mean all Services provided by STATHERO.


STATHERO reserves the right to make amendments, modifications or revisions to the STATHERO web site and these Policies. The posting of any amendments, modifications or revisions, online at the STATHERO web site, shall constitute effective notice under thesePolicies, and Customer’s continued use of the STATHERO web site, thereafter, shall constitute Customer’s acceptance of such changes or modifications. By using STATHERO’s

Identification and location services, Customer consents to this Policy. To review our Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy, please visit


  1. In order to use the Services provided by STATHERO, Customer will be asked for certain personally identifiable information such as name, email address, home or business address, and other information. For example, when Customer requests information about our Services, contact information you provide to us can be used to communicate with you.
  2. STATHERO will not collect personally identifiable information from Customers while they use our web site, unless they voluntarily provide it to us or authorize us to collect such information. For example, if you purchase Services, you will be required to provide information to complete the purchase transaction.
  3. Customers may provide other information about themselves, in addition to the mandatory Personal Information (hereafter “Voluntary Information”).
  4. Customers’ Voluntary Information provided to STATHERO will be viewable to STATHERO.
  5. STATHERO may use or disclose Customer’s personally identifiable information to:
    1. Administrative Communications: Operate and manage our web site; or
    2. Provide Services or information that have been requested by Customer; or
    3. Other Communications: Respond to other inquires or requests from Customer or
    4. Marketing: Provide Customer with information about specials or new Services that STATHERO will be introducing; or
    5. Fulfillment of Requests: STATHERO or our Merchants may use personal information collected about Customer to provide products, Services or Information that is requested.
  6. Internal Business Purposes: STATHERO may also use personal information for our internal business purposes, such as data analysis and audits. In addition, we may also use personal information to enhance our information and to aid us in providing our Customers with targeted promotions.
  7. STATHERO may disclose personally identifiable information in the establishment or exercise of legal rights or defenses against legal claims, to comply with applicable laws or regulations, to comply with a valid legal process, such as a search warrant, subpoena or court order or to investigate suspected fraud or a violation of our Terms and Conditions of Use. We will never sell Customer Information to any third-party not affiliated with STATHERO, without consent, except in connection with the sale, assignment or merger of STATHERO or the division responsible for such Services provided.
  8. STATHERO may also use such Voluntary Information for marketing its Services to you, unless you have ‘opted out’ of receiving such marketing information from us. Customer may ‘opt out’ by sending an email to [email protected].

Hi. STATHERO may, from time to time, send or post surveys or requests for Customer Feedback in order to help us make our web site and/or Services better. Any responses we receive from Customers will be used only to evaluate our web site(s) and Services and no personally identifiable information from respondents will be shared with any non-employees of STATHERO, except as stated in these Policies or in our Terms and Conditions of Use.


A. STATHERO collects and tracks certain non-personally identifiable information, including, but not limited to, IP address and browser type, access times, domain names, usage habits and other information which does not specifically identify any individual.

B. STATHERO may use and disclose non-personally identifiable information for any number of reasons, including, but not limited to, working with business partners and improving our web site(s) and Services.


  1. Our Service uses information about Customer location, to provide customized data to your account profile. STATHERO detects your device’s approximate location whenever it is turned on (subject to coverage limitations) and connected to the STATHERO Service.
  2. STATHERO uses location information for the following purposes:
    1. If Customer’s device is geo-located within a designated forbidden location, the login session may be terminated;
    2. If Customer’s device is geo-located within a permitted area, a 6-digit access code may be sent, via text message, to the mobile device, requesting the Customer to validate their device access.
  3. Location coordinates are only gathered after the Customer has agreed to these policies and terms. The agreement process is commenced by STATHERO’s automated system, outlined in Section (B)(2), above.
  4. Device Dependency – Depending upon the type of Customer’s device, STATHERO may also be able to obtain a wide array of data points to the approximate location ofCustomer’s device. These data services, known as Location-Based Services, are made available by STATHERO and others, usually via applications that may be pre-loaded on Customer’s device, manually or automatically downloaded from various application stores, and or via connected, interactive websites
  5. Consent – STATHERO may provide location-based services or provide third parties with access to Customer’s approximate location, in order to provide services to you. When Customer’s device location is requested, Customer will be given the option to allow the Service or deny it.
  6. STATHERO follows CTIA’s Best Practices Guidelines for Location-Based Services.


  1. Cookies are small text files that a web site can write to your computer. STATHERO, like many other web sites, may use cookies to identify you, customize web page content and allow you to log in once to our web site, and then search or post, without having to log in again. If you reached our web site by clicking on a link or advertisement on another web site, then we also log that information. This helps us to maximize our Internet exposure and to understand the interests of our Customers. Cookies cannot be used to read data contained on your hard drive or device, and cannot retrieve information from any other cookies created by other web sites.
  2. Cookies are also used by our Merchants to identify you as a Customer of STATHERO.
  3. To maintain privacy, Customer can disable their browser’s ability to accept cookies.Although Customer may do so, Customer may find that the browser reacts strangely when visiting our (and others’) web site(s). Most browsers allow you to disable and/or delete cookies. For example:
    1. in Internet Explorer (version 9), you can block cookies using the cookie handling override settings, available by clicking “Tools”, “Internet Options”, “Privacy” and then “Advanced”;
    2. in Firefox (version 16) you can block all cookies by clicking “Tools”, “Options”,”Privacy”, selecting “Use custom settings for history” from the drop-down menu and un-ticking “Accept cookies from sites”; and
    3. In Chrome (version 23), you can block all cookies by accessing the “Customize and control” menu, and clicking “Settings,” “Show advanced settings” and “Content settings”, and then selecting “Block sites from setting any data” under the “Cookies” heading.
    You can also delete cookies already stored on your computer. For example:
    1. in Internet Explorer (version 9), you must manually delete cookie files (instructions for doing so are at;
    2. in Firefox (version 16), you can delete cookies by clicking “Tools”, “Options”,”Privacy” and then “Show Cookies”, and then clicking “Remove All Cookies”; and
    3. in Firefox (version 16), you can delete cookies by clicking “Tools”, “Options”,”Privacy” and then “Show Cookies”, and then clicking “Remove All Cookies”; and
    Again, doing this may have a negative impact on the usability of many web sites.
  4. Our Merchants may use cookies on their web site or an external web site. We have no access to, or control over these cookies, hence, STATHERO will not be responsible for their use or misuse.
  5. This Policy only covers the use of cookies by STATHERO. It does not cover the use of cookies by any other third-party.
  6. Like many other web sites, makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, type of browser, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages and number of clicks that we use to analyze trends, administer our web site(s), track Customer’s movement around our web site, and gather demographic information. IP addresses and other such information are not linked to any information that is personally identifiable.
  7. STATHERO uses device identifier technologies, which may include device level cookies or other technologies used to identify a device on future visits. This technology (hereafter “identifier”) may be in the form of a file containing an identifier (a string of letters and numbers) that is sent by a web server to a web browser, and is stored by the browser. The identifier is then sent back to the server each time the browser requests a page from the server. Identifiers can be used by web servers to identity and track Customers as they navigate different pages on a website and identify Customers returning to a website.
  8. Device identifiers may be either “persistent” or “session” identifiers. A persistent identifier consists of a text file sent by a web server to a web browser, which will be stored by the browser and will remain valid until its set expiry date (unless deleted by the Customer before the expiry date). A session identifier, on the other hand, will expire at the end of the session, when the web browser is closed. This Service uses session identifiers and persistent identifiers, as well as identifiers derived from third party providers and analytics identifiers.
  9. When a Customer uses our Service, Customer may also be sent third party identifiers that can be utilized by service providers, so that they may obtain from Customer’s device, the ability to track Customer’s device across multiple services; build a profile of Customer activity; and target Services which may be used to determine Customer location, habits, or other personal data. In addition, tracking analytics are used to analyze the use of our Service. This system generates statistical and other information about the Customer, by means of identifiers, which are stored on Customer’s device. The information generated, relating to this Service, is used to create reports about Customer’s use of the Service. The system will store this information.
  10. Device identifiers do not contain any information that personally identifies the Customer, however, personal information that is stored about Customer may be linked to the information stored in, and obtained from, cookies.
  11. Merchants, and/or non-affiliated third-parties, may also use so-called “pixel tags,” “web beacons,” “clear GIFs” or similar technology (collectively, “Pixel Tags”), in connection with some web site pages and HTML-formatted e-mail messages to compile aggregate statistics about web site usage and response rates, among other things. A Pixel Tag is an electronic image, often a single pixel (1×1), that is ordinarily not visible to web site visitors, and may be associated with Cookies on the visitors’ hard drives. Pixel Tags allow STATHERO to count the number of Customers who have visited certain pages of the web site, to deliver branded services, to provide online advertising, and to help determine the effectiveness of promotional or advertising campaigns. When used in HTML-formatted e-mail messages, Pixel Tags can tell the sender whether, and when, the e-mail has been opened.


A. The STATHERO web site(s) may contain links to various third-party web sites and the external web sites of our Affiliates and/or third-party partners. Each of these web sites may have a Privacy Policy that differs from that of STATHERO. This Policy does not cover the Privacy Policies of other web sites. We urge you to check the Privacy Policies of each web site that you may visit or interact with.

B. The only information that may be shared between STATHERO and one of our partner web sites is that which we tell you about, either through these Policies or through our Terms and Conditions of Use.


  1. STATHERO will use reasonable efforts to keep Customer’s personal information accurate and safe for the Identified purposes. Customers are responsible for informing STATHERO about changes to their personal information. STATHERO will update personal information, when necessary, to keep it accurate, or else provide Customers with the facility to make such updates (Such as Account access).
  2. STATHERO has instituted appropriate security measures that protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information that we have collected from Customers. STATHERO requires that our Merchants ensure the security of the data that Customers provide to them, however, in the event of a breach of their security measures, Customer agrees that STATHERO will not be liable for any loss of data or other damages to Customer or its business or organization.
  3. STATHERO limits access to personal information about Customers to employees for whom we reasonably believe it is necessary, in order to provide our Services to Customer.
  4. STATHERO has physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with international regulations, to protect against the loss, misuse or alteration of information that we have collected from Customer.

STATHERO has security measures and tools, such as firewalls, in place, to help protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or data storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. If Customer has reason to believe that its interaction with us is no longer secure (for example, if Customer feels that the security of any account it has with us has been compromised), please notify us of the problem as soon as possible by sending an email to [email protected].


STATHERO will afford Customer a reasonable opportunity to review the personal information in Customer’s file, in an understandable format, either by direct accessor upon request to the Privacy Officer, made by Customer, after providing sufficient identification.


  1. If STATHERO is not able to provide access to some aspect of a Customer’s personal information, we will provide reasons for denying access such as: that by doing so would likely reveal personal information about a third party, or that it is confidential commercial information or attorney-client privileged communications, or that the information relates to a breach of an agreement or a contravention of law, or that its disclosure could reasonably be expected to threaten the life or security of another individual.
  2. Customers have the right to request that inaccurate or incomplete information be amended, as appropriate, and STATHERO will promptly correct such personal information or provide the means for Customer to do so directly. If Customer has a question relating to its collected information, Customer can send an email to [email protected] or contact us at 832-320-1999.



  1. STATHERO gives you the option to remove your personally identifiable information from our list of active Users.
  2. You may also choose to opt-out of certain communications from STATHERO.
  3. All requests for unsubscribing from, or opting out of, further communications should be made by sending an email to Customer Support at [email protected].
  4. STATHERO is not responsible for removing your personally identifiable information


The State of California (USA) has passed legislation requiring certain specific disclosures be made available to California residents who use the Internet and provide information that may be used for marketing purposes. That legislation requires any business that discloses a Customer’s personal information (as defined by the Act) to any third-party, for direct marketing purposes, to provide the Customer a method for obtaining the names, addresses and certain other specified details of anyone who might have received that personal information. If you are a California resident you may request this information from STATHERO, by writing to:


Attn: California Privacy Rights or by sending an e-mail, with California Privacy Rights in the Subject line, to [email protected]. STATHERO is not obligated to respond to more than one (1) such request from Customer, per calendar year.


The section titles used in these Policies are purely for convenience and carry with them no legal or contractual effect.


This policy was last updated on September 17, 2020